
A chinese lion statue

Kairon Consents is an efficient consent management system that is globally accessible by both patients and record holders.

The intuitive user interface has a modular design that is adaptable to a wide range of platforms (via browser, mobile device, or EHR), foreseeable advances in technology, and inevitable changes in the legal landscape.

Kairon's patient-centric consent management provides the patient with a single location to specify privacy preferences in generalized terms covering a variety of possible uses of personal health information (including emergencies and research), and these privacy preferences restrict the response to each subsequent data release request.

After the patient specifies individual preferences, record holders use the consent service to get a set of privacy constraints required for a particular request.


A chinese lion statue

Patient-centric consent management benefits all of the participants in a health information exchange.

It can be inserted by any organization today, to substitute for management of paper consents. (It does not require an EHR, a Trust broker for ancillary 'claims', or data standards)

Patients can establish their privacy preferences once, and the service appends them automatically to each request transaction.

Record holders meet demands to give patients control over releases of their data, can demonstrate the justification for each release, and do not need a new consent for each new exchange of health information.

Requests are less likely to be blocked due to lack of consent, and recipients know what privacy constraints apply to the health information they receive.

Data providers get relief from a major administrative burden of handling paper forms. This approach to consent management also supports the growing need for Health Information Exchanges to improve continuity of care, decrease costs, support public health reporting, and facilitate clinical research.


March 2012

New Kairon Consents Web Page up and running!

Dr John Halamka mentions Kairon Consents on his web site and talks about Patient consents